29 January 2013

Harms Of The Tongue

In today's times, most people tend to be careless about avoiding the harms of the tongue, which are widespread among the people. The following are some of the most common harms:

Talking about what does not concern you:

This is a common practice, even though the Prophet (pbuh) said: “A sign of a person's good practice of Islam, is giving up that which does not concern one.” 

The Prophet (pbuh) also said: “The people with the most sins, are those who most frequently indulge in conversations which do not concern them.

In order to set the limits for what does not concern you, you must ask yourself the following questions:

-      Is there any harm if you remain silent?
-      Is it an issue that concerns you?
-      Is it some information that is vital to your well-being and which you need?

The matters that concern a person are those which directly relate to his life, or things which would prevent harm from afflicting him.

The reason behind the prevalence of such practices is when a person is eager to know what he has no need for, prolonging the conversation is a way of strengthening social relations with the one being talked to or passing time in useless talks.

The way to cure this problem is by remembering that death could attack you at any time, and you will questioned about your words. Time is your capital in life, and silence is a way to earn eternal joy and the company of the purified consorts of Paradise. You should train yourself to be silent gradually by avoiding idle chatting and gossip as far as possible. 

Indulging in falsehood:

This includes talking about women, and sitting in gatherings which include drinking, conveying and spreading innovations in the religion. All of this is prohibited because it goes under the saying of the Prophet (pbuh): “A man may utter a word which pleases Allaah, which causes the pleasure of Allaah upon him until the Day of Resurrection. A man may utter a word which displeases Allaah, which causes the wrath of Allaah upon him until the Day of Resurrection.[Ahmad]

Disputing and arguing which we were prohibited to do:
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): “And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you (O Muhammad ), in this worldly life, and he calls Allaah to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And when he turns away (from you O Muhammad ), his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allaah likes not mischief[Quran, 2: 204-205]

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The most hated person to Allaah, is the one who always disputes and starts enmity.” [Al-Bukhaari]. A Muslim should guard his tongue from saying what intimidates others or angers them, and remember the saying of the Prophet (pbuh) : “I will guarantee a house in Jannah (Paradise) for the one who ends an argument even if he was in the right. [Abu Daawood].

Cursing and badmouthing: 

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “A Muslim does not badmouth, curse, nor is he spiteful. [Ahmad, At-Tirmithi].He  also said: “Reviling a Muslim is an act of outrage (moral depravity) and fighting against him is an act of disbelief (Kufr)”. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] Unfortunately, this is common amongst the people nowadays, especially amongst the youth. A Muslim is commanded to purify his tongue from immoral words.

Claiming eloquence: 

This is dispraised and it leads to boasting. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Those most hated and the farthest on the Day of Resurrection are those with the worst manners, those who prattle, boast and the arrogant.[At-Tirmithi].
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