27 October 2012

The Meaning of EID (Festival)

Sunan of 'Eid-ul-Adha
The word ‘Eid according to the Arabic language refers to a day which returns and in which the people gather.

Actions on the day of ‘Eid:

1. The Takbeeraat. This is done from the night before the ‘Eid prayer (from Sunset). It must be known that there is nothing authentic from the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) concerning the manner in which it is done.

However, it is narrated that both Ibn Mas’uud and Ibn ‘Abbas (radhiAllahu ‘anhu) did the Takbeerat in a certain manner. However, the manner in which it is said is wide. Also it is Mustahabb (recommended) to raise the voice for the Takbeeraat. As for the time when this is stopped it stops when the Salaat-ul-‘Eid begins. For more on the Takbeeraat see here.

2. It is recommended to take a bath for the ‘Eid prayer and to also beautify oneself with the best of clothing.

3. One should eat something after the ‘Eid prayer (as for ‘Eid-ul-Fitr, it is Sunnah to eat something sweet prior to the prayer).

4. It is Sunnah to leave for the ‘Eid prayer from one road and to return from another road.

5. The sacrifice (udheeyah) is done after the Eid salah and prior to the end of the days of Tashreeq following ‘Eid-ul-Adha.

6. One should not pray any prayer before the ‘Eid prayer (after Fajr) and after the ‘Eid prayer (before Dhuhr).

7. The ‘Eid prayer itself is seven Takbeers in the first Rak’ah and 5 in the second. It is prayed in two Rak’ah and there are no sound Ahadeeth to show that the hands should be raised for the extra Takbeers.

8. This prayer is compulsory upon every male and female according to the strongest opinion of the scholars. Hence all should make effort to pray the ‘Eid prayer. As for the sermon it is recommended to stay for it. As for its time it is between sunrise and the Dhuhr prayer.

9. If ‘Eid joins with the day of Jumu’ah those who prayed the ‘Eid prayer do not have to pray Jumu’ah [not Dhuhr] according to the strongest opinion.

10. It is narrated from the Sahabas that they used to say to others “May Allah accept from us and you.” (TaqabbalAllahu minna wa minkum) as an ‘Eid greeting. And as for saying ‘Eid Mubarak and ‘Eid Sa’eed then this is lawful. As for saying Mubarak ‘Eid as a response to ‘Eid Mubarak then one should avoid this.

11. We must remember that it is a day of fun and enjoyment for the Muslims. Therefore, it is recommended that the families involve themselves in amusements that are lawful according to the Shari’ah.

I wish you sunlight to warm you. Moonlight to charm you. A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends and family near you. And you pray to Allah swt to hear you, insha’Allah! 

12. From the innovation of ‘Eid is visiting the graves on that day. This has not been recorded in the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

And Allah knows best.

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