The Story of France with Firown (Pharaoh)

Is it possible that this mummy in front of me is the one who was chasing Moses?:Professor Maurice Bucaille


One of the best gifts that we can offer ourselves is forgiveness

Miracles Of The Quran

The unprecedented style and the superior wisdom inherent in the Qur'an is conclusive evidence confirming that it is the Word of God.

The Truth About Jesus Christ

Tells the truth about Christianity-How the gospels are unreliable- Audience member shouts at him a few times.

Parent-Child Relationship in Islam

Islam recognises family as a basic social unit. Along with the husband-wife relationship the Parent-child relationship is the most important one

Editor's Picks

28 February 2012

Poem: Uncloak My Veil

You'd die for me to uncloak my veil
Haven't succeeded to your avail
Mock my faith; claim it's causing my oppression
Distort the truth with your wide deception

To uncloak my veil would reveal my beauty
My beauty I reserve for my true love solely
To uncloak my veil would cost me greatly
Foolish men approaching abruptly

Loved enough not to aim for unwanted attention
Confident enough not to seek your wordly affection
My inner beauty I can uncloak
My point of view I shall expose

I chose to cloak my veil
Listen to God Who guides my trail
I'm not the one who's bitterly oppressed
You're just the one who's deeply obsessed

Longing to see me uncloak my veil
Disclose my beauty to all your males
Dress like the women on T.V.
So called role models exploited as “free
Sex, drugs, clubs
Society's unrequited love

No, thank you
I'm a rebel with a cause
I will never uncloak my veil
The lies you spout will not prevail

- by Jenan Zahria-

You can purchase Jenan Zahira's poem on - Please Visit

Related post: 

27 February 2012

If I Do Good, Help Me; and If I Do Wrong, Correct Me

After he was given the treaty to become the caliph following the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him), Abu Bakr radi Allahu `anhu gave a short inaugural speech:

Oh people, as I have now been placed in a position of authority over you and I am not the best of you, if I do good, then help me, and if I do wrong then correct me. Truth is a trust and lying is betrayal. The weak amongst you is strong with me until I get his rights returned to him, God willing; and the strong amongst you is weak until I [justly] take the right from him, God willing… Obey me as long as I obeyed Allah and His messenger, so if I disobey Allah and His messenger then you owe me no obedience.” [Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir. Vol 6, p. 320]

Abu Bakr (ra) reminded the Muslims that they should not blindly follow him or accept his actions just because of his authority and personal credentials. Instead, he made it clear that the standard to which they should hold him is the obedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) and His messenger. If he veered off that path, he should be corrected and, if need be, disobeyed.

Our community today needs to listen to the words of Abu Bakr (ra), may Allah (swt) be pleased with him. With many social ills and immorality prevailing in our communities it has become increasingly difficult to condemn inappropriate behavior – for who doesn’t have a loved one or friend who has committed some mistake or sin? Who among us is without faults?

We often belittle sins because we know of kind and generous people – “good people” – who committed them, and who often have better manners than those who abstain from those sins. In discussions like these, we fall into the dangerous abyss of judging actions by a malleable yardstick. We begin measuring ourselves relative to each other instead of relative to a set of fixed principles.

Allah (swt) says,

"O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted." (Quran, 4:135)

Just because someone we know or love has made a mistake does not mean it is permissible for us to do it as well. Sometimes, in our attempt to avoid judging others or causing them discomfort, we succumb to the opposite. We begin dismissing all mistakes and refusing to hold people accountable. The speech of Abu Bakr (ra) guides us to a balanced approach:
  1. Judge actions based on a clear set of principles, the Quran and Sunnah: “as long as I obeyed Allah and His messenger.
  2. Hold people, including ourselves, accountable for actions done in public or that affect others: “if I do good, then help me; and if I do wrong, then correct me.

The rock from which the camel came out from

Thamud, one of the perished nation, lived in a valley which is about two hundred meters above sea level, it is also surrounded by tall mountains with 1200 meters average height.

The account of the Holy Quran about these nations shows that they were skilled in stone sculpture, Allah gifted them with many bounties and that they led luxurious life.

When God sent them a prophet from among themselves, they belied him and hold his name to obloquy and ridicule; they attacked him with abusive words. When their great prophet persisted in teaching them God's word, they set as a condition to believe that he should bring them a she-camel out of a huge rock.

The holy Quran explanation books say  that the she-camel that God sent to the tribe of Prophet Saleh came out a huge rock, this rock lies isolated in the area where they lived.

The expounders of the Holy Quran say that Prophet Saleh came to his tribe to admonish them to believe and warn them of the consequences of unbelief, they asked for a sign to believe; they pointed to a large rock and said:

"Can you see this large rock? We want you to get out of this rock a she-camel with a baby in its belly; they started to set many conditions in these she-camels, they even were particulars and choosy. The prophet said' So what will you do if God gives you His sign? Will you believe?'"  "Yes, we will." They said. So the prophet prayed to God and God answered his prayer and a huge camel went out from the rock, it was exactly as they asked. When the saw this miracle, some believed and some didn't.

Some readers might ask how the expounders got the information they wrote down in their books from, they have recorded in their books information about the camel, description about the rock and even the names of the people who conspired to kill it.

It is narrated that the prophet gave his companions a lot of information about this tribe and how they were perished. The prophet and his companions passed by " Alhager", the place in which the prophet  Saleh and his tribe lived in" on his way back from Tabouk invasion.

Gabr narrated that  when the prophet passed by "Al-Hajer" (the habitations of Thamud), he said: " O' people don't ask for signs the same way Thamud did." Those were the people to whom Prophet Saleh was sent, and they asked him for a sign sent by God to them, so God created out for them a she-camel out of a rock they determined.

Narrated Al-Boukhary, narrated the son of Umar that the prophet passed by the place where the habitations of Thmud were, he ordered them not to drink from its well … so the people  said :" we have already kneed our flour, so the prophet ordered them to spill the water they got and to drink from the water the she-camel used to drink from, and as to the flour they kneed, he ordered them to feed their animals on.

We can conclude that the prophet must have determined the rock which the she-camel went out from, since he determined the cave that the she-camel used to shelter herself in and the fountain which she drank from; also the prophet must have given all the information that the expounders of the Holy Quran wrote down in their books without being attributed to the prophet.

As to the features of the rock concerned, we can compare its features as mentioned in  the books of expounding the Holy Quran  and these of the rocks that are  existent in the valley, we shall depend on Google earth programme.

The prophet and his companions passed by the valley in which there used to be the habitations of Thamud. Those people, in order to believe, asked their prophet' Saleh' to show a sign  or a miracle to prove his prophethood , and they determined the rock from which this she-camel should come from, this rock  had to be massive and the she-camel must be pregnant and also parturient, they also determined  the rock by a certain  name which is " Al-kataba'.

Their Prophet agreed and put them under the commitment that they should believe if God showed this sign to them  and they agreed. He started to pray to his Lord to answer his prayer and bring them a she-camel from the rock so that they believed. God answered his prayer and the rock cleft asunder and the she-camel went out from it exactly as they wanted; on seeing it some believed and some did not.

 If we look at the picture keenly, we will see a huge rock covered with blackness, and this rock is located in isolated place in the upper part of the valley to the right. This rock is so huge and this makes it looks much like a mountain; it has odd appearance and this lays credence to the claim that those people used to worship their idols around it, its longest part amounts to(1500 M), and its widest part is about(700m), the highest hill on it reaches (100m) above  the surrounding area. We will give a plethora of evidences that this rock was the one from which the she-camel went out from.

The name of the rock is" Al-Kataba" which can be translated" the writing" , the word is a present participle in Arabic, if you look closely at the picture you will find it taking the shape of "the palm of hand", and what look like fingers come out from the rock.

Nowadays people call this rock" Al-Hwar mount", the word Hwar means" the baby of the she-camel", the significance of this name lies in the fact that the baby of the she-camel came back to his mother and went into it after it foamed three times, these were reference to the fact that the calamity would befall them after three days.

We can deduce the second proof from the narration that says" the stone has moved then cleft asunder to let a she-camel go out", a close look at the rock supports this narration; there is a subside in the ends of the rock, one of these subsides reaches(80) meters. Surely the going out of the she-camel must have caused such a malformation  in the rock and that is why the corners of the rock subsided to be evidence to the emergence of the she-camel from the rock.

It is amazing that there are only two rocks which carry the sign of subsiding, they are near each other, and this is a proof that the she-camel went out from it.

The third evidence is that there is a black volcanic crater which takes the form of a she-camel in the sitting position, the length of the crater is fifty meter and the width is about twenty meters. The existence of this crater poses many questions that geologists can give answers too. Though the rock is big, it can't bear the signs of the explosion of a volcano because, if ever a volcano happened in it, it could have changed into pieces. One more question; the crater outline is clear and it has a geometrical shape which is different from the usual shapes of the volcanoes.

One more significant point; there is no traces of lava, this means that the volcano had erupted for a short time and the power of the explosion was so great that the lava gushed out were thrown away in the surrounding area.

I will explain how this punishment was inflicted on the tribe of Saleh after they killed the she-camel, this can give answers to these questions, in the following holy verses God says what means:

"And O my people! This she-camel of Allah is a symbol to you: leave her to feed on Allah's (free) earth, and inflict no harm on her, or a swift penalty will seize you!" But they did ham-string her. So he said: "Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days: (Then will be your ruin): (Behold) there a promise not to be belied!"  When Our Decree issued, We saved Salih and those who believed with him, by (special) Grace from Ourselves - and from the Ignominy of that day. For thy Lord - He is the Strong One, and able to enforce His Will. The (mighty) Blast overtook the wrong-doers, and they lay prostrate in their homes before the morning,- As if they had never dwelt and flourished there. Ah! Behold! for the Thamud rejected their Lord and Cherisher! Ah! Behold! removed (from sight) were the Thamud!" [Quran 11:64-68]

Also God say what means in Sura Al-Araf

Then they ham-strung the she-camel, and insolently defied the order of their Lord, saying: "O Salih! bring about thy threats, if thou art a messenger (of Allah)!" So the earthquake took them unawares, and they lay prostrate in their homes in the morning! So Salih left them, saying: "O my people! I did indeed convey to you the message for which I was sent by my Lord: I gave you good counsel, but ye love not good counsellors!" [Quran 7:77-79]

Ibn-Katheer, a well-known Quran expounder comments on this event saying:" When it was Thursday, the first day of awaiting the punishment of God, their faces turned yellow-exactly as their prophet Saleh told them, when it was Friday their faces turned red and when it was Saturday their faces turned black, when it was Sunday they wore their coffins (after the punishment had been ascertained) and sat awaiting for the wrath of God; they didn't know what would befall them nor did they know where the punishment would come from.

So when it was Sunday, a blast from heaven overtook them and they were seized by an earthquake and all died at the same time.

It is known that eruptions of volcanoes are always preceded by earthquakes and this what happened in this area; the earth began to shake violently under them and then the volcanoes began to erupt from three locations; these are the hills of the two mountains to the west of the city and the rock from which the she-camel went out from as it is clear in the Google earth picture.

As we have already mentioned, the absence of the volcanic lava emphasized the fact that it abruptly, swiftly and violently erupted and  the sound of the volcano explosion caused all the people to die at once. This kind of volcanoes is termed" Spatter volcano', in this kind of volcanoes the stuff emitted is always composed of water vapor and carbon dioxide, and protruding edges are formed around the volcano as shown in this picture.

The last picture shows that the volcanic crater on the mountain which is 1500 m ( to the west from the rock) has the same features of the volcanic crater, this proves that both happened simultaneously, it also proves that the gas pressure trapped was so high to the extent  that they all happened in three close areas, they all lie within an area of a few kilometers.

The existence of the volcano on this mountain from which the she-camel went out is really amazing because the big volcano on the other mountain could have prevented the emergence of the volcano of the rock, but God wanted to show people His miracles as from the same place from which the she-camel came out, the volcano erupted, the going out of the she-camel must have weakened the crust and this led to the swift emission of the trapped gas accompanied with the sound of the explosion which people could not bear.

God says what means: "For We sent against them a single Mighty Blast, and they became like the dry stubble used by one who pens cattle." [Quran 54: 31]

By: Dr: Mansour Abo Sharea Al'abad

26 February 2012

Poem: Handsome Death!

Death!!! Death!!! Death!!!
O death! Thou some have called the mighty,but you are not

When death comes,it brings fear,pain and sorrow
Death! Is no respectal of anyone
Death! Why have you decided to take the gentle and the arrogant?
Death! You need no advertisement to be popular
When death struck families,friends and relations
It is a sermon for those who understand
That whatever we do,we should do it right
For the end of all is death (Q23v12-15)
Death is so powerful that no living thing can escape it (Q10v56)
If death do collect bribe
It would have left the rich and kill the poor
Death is the end of one story and the beginning of another
Wherever you are,death will find you out (Q4v78)
Even if u are in towers built up strong and high (Q4v78)
If you think you are friends of Allah
Then desire death,but never will they desire death
Because their hands are not clean
But no matter how you run from death
One day you will die (Q62v6-8)
Man rejoice as long as the night continues to pass by (Q30v23)
Yet,each day that passes is a portion out of a lifetime (Q38v16)
Why do we fear death when we are born to die? (Q23v15)
The breath of man is his steps to his death (Q24v42)
No one knows when his/her time is up (Q7v34)
Man fools himself,he prays for long life and fears old age
But verily,the knowledge of the hour of death is with Allah alone (Q31v34)
Why death! Thou some have called the mighty
Death! You shall die (Q55v26-27)

24 February 2012

Picture Perfect: Hell & Paradise

The Prophet ﷺ said:

Hell is surrounded by worldly desire, while Heaven is surrounded by difficulty and hardship.

23 February 2012

Jewels of The Quran

Isa bin Muhammad (Alaihir Rahmah) says that I once saw Abu Bakr bin Mujahid (Alaihir Rahmah) after his death in a dream reading the Holy Quran. I asked, "You have died, how are you reciting," upon which he said, "After every Salah and finishing of the Quran, I would pray "O Allah, give me the Taufiq to recite the Quran in my grave" and that is why I am praying." (Faizan-e-Sunnat)


The Holy Prophet said:

1) The best of you is he who learnt the Holy Quran and taught it to others. (Bukhari)
2) Undoubtedly, the heart gets rusted like metal gets rusted when water goes over it. The People asked, "How can they [hearts] be cleaned." The Prophet replied, "To remember death in abundance and to recite the Holy Quran." (Mishkat)
3) That chest which does not have any Quran in it is like an abandoned house. (Tirmizi, Darmi) 
4) Whoever read the Quran and memorized it and belived its' Halal to be Halal and its Haram to be Haram [i.e., accepted it commandments of Halal and Haraam], Allah will accept the intercession for such 10 people on from him whom Hell had already become Wajib. (Tirmizi, Ibn-e-Majah)
5) Whoever is an expert in reciting the Holy Quran is with the Kiraman Katebeen and whoever reads the Quran with pauses and it is difficult for him, that is, his tounge does not move easily and he recites with difficutly for him there are two rewards. (Bahar-e-Shariat)
6) The one who has memorized Quran will be told to read and climb and recite with Tarteel (clear and distinct recitation) like you used to read with Tarteel in the Dunya; your place will be where you read your last Ayat. (Bahar-e-Shariat)
7) Allah says, "Whoever was kept busy with the [recitation] of Quran from my Zikr and asking me, I will give him better than those who I give to those who ask" and the excellence of the Word of Allah over all the other words is like the excellence of Allah over all his creation.
8) Learn the Quran and read it because whoever learned the Quran and read it and did Qayam with it is like a bag filled with Musk whose fragrance is spread everywhere and whoever learned the Quran and slept that is he did not do Qiyamul Layl is like a bag which is filled with Musk and its mouth has been closed. (Tirmizi, Ibn-e-Majah, Nisaee)
9) Read the Quran when you heart feels affection and attachment and when your heart becomes bored stand up that is stop reciting the Quran. (Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim)
10) Decorate the Quran with your (good) voices. (Mishkat)
11) O People of the Quran, do not make the Quran a pillow, that is do not be lazy and be careless, and read the Quran in the day and night like it is the Haq of Recitation, and spread it, that is, read with good voices or do not take compensation for it, and whatever is in it, reflect upon itso that you may attain success, and do not hurry in its reward because the reward for it is great (which will be given in the Akhirah). (Bahiqi)

Rewards for certain Surahs and Ayahs

The Holy Prophet said:

1) Surah Fatiha is a cure from every illness. (Darmi, Bahiqi)
2) Do not make your home a graveyard, the Shaitan runs from the home in which Surah Baqrah is recited. (Sahih Muslim)
3) Whoever memorized the first ten ayahs of Surah Kahf will be saved the Dajjal. (Sahih Muslim)
4) Whoever recites Surah Kahf on the day of Jummah, there will be a Nur brightened for him between two Jummahs.
5) Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen, whoever read Yaseen, Allah will write the reward of reading the Quran ten times from him. (Tirmizi and Darmi)
6) Whoever reads Surah Yaseen for the pleasure of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven so read this near your deceased. (Bahiqi)
7) (Reading) Qul hu WAllahu Ahad (Surah Ikhlas) is equal to [reading] one third of the Quran.
8) Whoever read Ayatul Kursi after every Fard Salah, he will be under the protection and security of Allah. (Dailmi on the Authority of Sayeduna Ali)
9) (On the Day of Judgement) a caller will say O Recitor of Surah Inaam, come to Jannat for loving Surah Inaam and its recitation. 
10) Surah Tabarak (Surah Mulk) saves one from Hell.
11) Whatever task is not begun with Bismillahir Rahamnir Raheem remains incomplete and unfinished.

Ettiquteets and Rules of Tilawat

1) To memorize one Ayah of the Quran is Fard-e-Aeen on every Mukallaf Muslim; to memorize the entire Holy Quran is Fard-e-Kafyah; to memorize Surah Fatiha and a small Surah or something similar like three small Ayahs or one long Ayah is Wajib-e-Aeen. (Durre Mukhtar)
2) To read the Holy Quran while looking at it is better then reading without looking at it because in this case one touches the Holy Quran, sees the Holy Quran, and reads the Holy Quran and all this is Ibadat. (Bahar-e-Shariat)
3) To read the Holy Quran in the restroom and such places of impurity is not allowed (Na-Jaiz)
4) It is Haraam that everybody read the Holy Quran in a gathering loudly at once, however, it is necessary to read loudly enough so that one can hear what he/she is reading, that is, if there is no other distraction like noise. (Bhare-e-Shariat) Also, many children read together at once in a Madrsa loudly for learning purposes and this is okay.
5) It is better to read the Quran loudly that is if somebody praying, sleeping, or somebody ill will not be distracted. (Gunyah)
6) If somebody is reciting the Quran incorrectly then it is Wajib to tell him/her unless if one fears jealousy and hate. (Gunyah)
7) To memorize the Holy Quran and then to forget it is a sin.
8) It is from the ettiqutes of respecting the Holy Quran that one does not put their back towards the Quran or spread their legs towards the Quran or sit in a high place when the Quran is beneath. (Bahare Shariat)
9) During recitation reflect on what you are reading. For example, when reading about punishment, one should repent; when reading about paradise, one should rejoice and pray for Jannah.
10) The way to do Sajdah of Tilwat is as follows: If one hears or reads the Ayat of Sajdah then he should stand with the intention of performing the Sajdah of Tilawat and saying Allahu Akbar should go into Sajdah and should recite the Tasbeeh of Sajdah atleast three times. Then, saying Allahu Akbar, one should stand up. To say Allahu Akbar both times is Sunnah. Similarly, to stand before and after the Sajdah is Mustahab. (Durre Mukhtar)

Lastly, learn how to read the Quran in the company of a Qualified Sunni Alim [and mature sisters must go to a Qualified Sister] who can teach them how to read as this is necessary. At times, while reciting many brothers and sisters unknowingly make mistakes in recitation which change the meaning which breaks their Salah. Likewise, send your children to Madrsas where they may learn how to recite the Quran with correct pronunciation and Qirat. If there is not a Madrsa in your town, then establish one. Knowledge of Islam leads one to Love Allah and helps to build a good moral character within the Muslim community. By learning the Quran, a Muslim saves his Salah, his Iman, and his Akhirah. Learning the Quran is not limited to just learning how to recite the Holy Book, rather, it is a life long process of learning how to recite it and understand what the Quran says. The noble Ulama have worked hard and written volumes of Tafseer which consists of Ahadith, Stories, and important points. After learning the Quran, we must practice it and spread the word into our family and community.

Source: Islamic Academy 

If you have to see to believe

Two fish swam together in the sea:a young fish and an older wiser fish.

They came upon a tempting meal on a hook.The younger fish rushed forward to get the meal.

Stop!” said the older fish, “attached to that hook is a line, and attached to that line is the fishing pole of a fisherman. As tempting as it looks, it’s nothing but trouble.

So the two swam peacefully on their way.

Later the young fish returned to the meal on the hook. He couldn’t see a line,and he couldn’t see a pole or a fisherman.

In fact all he could see was the sea and since he couldn’t see anything
else, he didn’t believe that anything existed outside the sea!

So he took a big bite. The hook caught in his mouth and a line suddenly yanked him up and out of the sea. The young foolish fish could now see the pole and the fisherman and the world above the sea……

If you have to see to believe, it may be too late!

Moral: You didn't come out of nothing and you don't go into nothing!

22 February 2012

Health Benefits of Pineapple

" And from the dates and grapes, you extract wine as well as healthy nourishment. Surely, there is a sign in it for any nation that thinks " [Quran 16:67]

One of the most prized and popular fruits, pineapple or "ananas" have an interesting history:

The pineapple tree is actually native to Paraguay in South America and spread by the local Indians up through South and Central America to the West Indies. Later, it was brought to Spain when Columbus discovered Americas’ in 1493, from where; it has spread around the world on sailing ships (like tomatoes) that carried it for protection against scurvy!
Scientifically, it is known as "Ananas comosus" and belongs to the family of Bromeliaceae, of the genus; Ananas.

Pineapple is a tropical, perennial, drought-tolerant plant that grows up to 5-8 ft in height and spreads around about 3 to 4 ft. It is essentially a short, stout stem with a rosette of waxy with long, needle tipped leaves.

The plant bear long oval to cylindrical fruits during each season lasts from March until June.

The fruit is described as compound (multiple) fruit that develops from many small fruits fused together around central core. It is both juicy and fleshy with the stem serving as the fibrous core. The rough, tough, scaly rind may be dark green, yellow, orange-yellow or reddish when the fruit is ripe. Juicy flesh ranges from creamy white to yellow in color and has mix of sweet and tart taste with rich flavor. Each fruit measures in size up to 12 in. long and weigh 1 to 8 pounds or more.

Nutritive Value per 100 g 

Nutrient Value
50 Kcal
13.52 g
0.54 g
Total Fat
0.12 g
0 mg
Dietary Fiber
1.40 g
18 µg
0.500 mg
0.112 mg
0.018 mg
0.079 mg
Vitamin A
58 IU
Vitamin C
47.8 mg
Vitamin E
0.02 mg
Vitamin K
0.07 µg

1 mg
109 mg

13 mg
0.110 mg
0.29 mg
12 mg
0.927 mg
8 mg
0.1 µg
0.12 mg

35 µg
0 mcg

Health benefits of Pineapple fruit
  • Fresh pineapple is storehouse of many health promoting compounds, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
  • The fruit is low in calories (provides only 50 cal per 100 g), contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; but rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber like pectin.
  • Pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that consumption of pineapple regularly helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation.
  • Fresh ananas is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin; vitamin C. It is required for the collagen synthesis in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the body required for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body protect from scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
  • It also contains good amount Vitamin A (provides 58 IU per 100 g) and beta-carotene levels. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also required maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin and essential for vision. Studies have suggested that consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • In addition, this fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like copper, manganese and potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Copper is helpful cofactor for red blood cell synthesis. Manganese is a co-factor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is a very powerful free radical scavenger.
Dua/ Prayer
Allahummaghfirlii warhamniy wahdiniy wa 'aafiniy warzuqniy wajburniy war fa'aniy.
(Oh Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me, and keep me on the right path, and keep me healthy, and provide me with halal sources of living, and complete my shortcomings and make my rank high).

20 February 2012

There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on here

There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on here, and nobody is willing to take the blame.

I liked the answer of this Germaniun Muslim scholar when he was asked about terrorism and Islam : He said:
  • Who started the first world war ? Muslims ?? 
  • Who started the second world war ? Muslims ??
  • Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia ? Muslims ??
  • Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ? Muslims ??
  • Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America ? Muslims ?? 
  • Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in south America ? Muslims ?? 
  • Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and was thrown in Atlantic ocean ? Muslims ??
No , They weren't Muslims!!! First of all, You have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim do something is crime. But if a Muslim commit same..he is terrorist... So first remove this double standard...then come to the point!!!

19 February 2012

The Civilised Family System

If the family is the basis of the society, and the basis of the family is the division of labour between husband and wife, and the upbringing of children is the most important function of the family, then such a society is indeed civilised. In the Islamic system of life, this kind of a family provides the environment under which human values and morals develop and grow in the new generation; these values and morals cannot exist apart from the family unit. If, on the other hand, free sexual relationship and illegitimate children become the basis of a society, and if the relationship between man and woman is based on lust, passion and impulse, and the division of work is not based on family responsibility and natural gifts; if the role of women is merely to be attractive, sexy and flirtatious, and if women are freed from their basic responsibility of bringing up children; and if, on her own or under social demand, she prefers to become a hostess or a stewardess in a hotel or ship or air company, thus using her ability for material productivity rather than the training of human beings, because material production is considered to be more important, more valuable and more honourable than the development of human character, then such a civilisation is 'backward' from the human point of view, or 'jahili' in Islamic terminology.

The family system and the relationship between the sexes determine the whole character of a society and whether it is backward or civilised, jahili or Islamic. Those societies which give ascendance to physical desires and animalistic morals cannot be considered civilised, no matter how much progress they may make in industry or science. This is the only measure, which does not err in guarding true human progress.

In all modern jahili societies, the meaning of 'morality' is limited to such an extent that all those aspects, which distinguish man from animal, are considered beyond its sphere. In these societies, illegitimate sexual relationships even homosexuality, are not considered immoral. The meaning of ethics is limited to economic affairs or sometimes to political affairs, which fall into the category of 'government interests'.

Among jahili societies, writers and journalists advise both married and unmarried people that free sexual relationships are not immoral. However, it is immoral if a boy uses his partner, or a girl uses her partner, for sex, while feeling no love in his or her heart. It is bad if a wife continues to guard her chastity while her love for her husband has vanished; it is admirable if she finds another lover...

From the point of view of 'human' progress, all such societies are not civilised but are backward.

The line of human progress goes upward from animal desires toward higher values. To control the animal desires, a progressive society lays down the foundation of a family system in which human desires find satisfaction, as well as providing for the future generation to be brought up in such a manner that it will continue the human civilisation, in which human characteristics flower to their full bloom.

Obviously a society which intends to control the animal characteristics, while providing full opportunities for the development and perfection of human characteristics, requires strong safeguards for the peace and stability of the family, so that it may perform its basic task free from the influences of impulsive passions. On the other hand, if in a society immoral teachings and poisonous suggestions are rampant, and sexual activity is considered outside the sphere of morality, then in that society the humanity of man can hardly find a place to develop.

Thus, only Islamic values and morals, Islamic teachings and safeguards, are worthy of mankind, and form this unchanging and true measure of human progress, Islam is the real civilisation and Islamic society is truly civilised.

By Sayyid Qutb
Courtesy: Mission Islam

18 February 2012

Woodpecker & shock absorption

Can you imagine pounding your head against a wall 8,000 to 10,000 times? They say that is the number of times woodpecker  peck each day!

In the quest for ever-improving technology, scientists have often looked to nature for inspiration.

And now researchers believe that woodpeckers may offer clues as to how to improve protective headgear to minimise devastating brain injuries.

They say their analysis of the bird's anatomy and behaviour revealed some features that could potentially be put to use when designing helmets.

Woodpeckers are able to peck at a tree trunk at high speed, resulting in intense deceleration forces on impact, without sustaining any brain injury.

To investigate the source of the protection, the researchers - led by Yubo Fan of Beihang University in Beijing and Ming Zhang of Hong Kong Polytechnic University - recorded the birds using two synchronous high-speed video cameras.

They also took scans of the birds' heads to reveal details about the micro-structural parameters such as the bone volume, thickness and density.
Scientists hope to use a woodpecker's anatomical design to improve protective headgear
They then constructed 3D models that allowed for further testing and measurement of the forces involved.

The results showed that specific details of the cranial bones and beak - such as the relative 'spongy'-ness of the bone at different places in the skull and the unequal lengths of the upper and lower parts of the beak - were crucial for preventing impact injury.

The researchers conclude that the shock absorption system is not based on a single factor, but is as a result of the combined effect of a number of different morphological features.

Dr Fan said: 'This combination may be useful in guiding design for new protective gear'.

The findings were published in the latest issue of the online science journal PLoS ONE.

"There are signs for the believing nation in the creation of their (own) selves, and the creation of the animals He has scattered (across the world)." [Quran 45:4]
Source: Mail online

17 February 2012

Picture Perfect: Never Judge A Book By It's Cover

Some pages on facebook have shared this picture and made sarcastic comments about this couple. They talked about them as if they were on the beach and not in a holy place!

Wrong! We as humans are too quick to judge. Have another look. Look at the brother’s feet. His beautiful wife is supporting him, for he cannot support himself. We must learn to look for the best in people, for if we don’t, we become the worst of people..


"Never Judge A Book By It's Cover."

Poem: What would you do?

What would you do if tomorrow never came?
Who would you accuse who would you blame
Would you act the same?
Do these things that you do, play these silly games

I watch as the days go by
I stop to ask myself why

Since the day this journey started
From this “life” many have departed

Because no one knows what tomorrow holds
That’s one truth that has been told

Over and over we r reminded
But with this worldly fame, we are blinded

What would you do if tomorrow never came?
Who would you accuse who would you blame
Would you act the same?
Do these things that you do, play these silly games

In reality this life don’t matter
It’s like a mirror that one day will shatter

Tomorrow u wont wake up in this bed
Keep that in your head
Haven’t u read
Obey your lord, your nothing but his slave
Your final destination 4 dis duniya is your grave

don’t u want it filled with light?
Rather then it being
pitch black on a dark night
Decide now, you can’t delay,
tomorrow is like a dream that will fade away

what would you do if tomorrow never came?
Who would you accuse who would you blame
Would you act the same?
Do these things that you do, play these silly games

Tomorrow was never promised nor will it ever be, you don’t know what it will bring
your days will end faster than fire burning a piece of string
u don’t know
If the seeds tomorrow will grow

This breath will be your last
It will happen so fast
Then this life be nothing but your penitent past

this existence called life is nothing but a powerful test 
that’s going decide your eternity,So try your best.

14 February 2012

Allah’s existence and the Limits of Human Imagination

Everything in our limited experience must have a beginning and end. We ourselves are born and we ultimately die. This is the case with our parents and forefathers as well as with our children and descendants. Such relationships permeate creation.
Some people, due to intellectual weakness or simplicity, assume that everything must be comparable to their own past experience. They rely on the imagination, which is really only capable of visualizing that which has in one way or another already been experienced. This is why the imagination is incapable of grappling with absolutes and with universal concepts.

Prophet Muhammad  was referring to the limits of human reason when he said:

"People will keep asking questions until they come to asking: “Allah created the universe, but who created Allah?” Whoever has thoughts like this should simply declare: “I believe in Allah.” Seek Allah’s help and desist from such thoughts." (Sahīh Muslim-134)

The human mind has limitations, and our human perspective is deficient. Because of this, some people fall into misgivings with respect to Allah’s pre-existence. We need to realize that we are dealing here with a matter of faith; in other words, a matter which transcends the limitations of human reason.

After making the statement quoted above, it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad    advised reciting the chapter of the Qur’ān entitled “Purity of Faith” (Sūrah al-Ikhlās):

Say: He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Self-Subsisting. He begets not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like unto Him.” [Sūrah al-Ikhlās: 1-4]

The crucial verse here is “He begets not, nor is He begotten”. It shows that Allah’s perfection and Self-Subsistence defy human experience and transcend the limits of the human imagination.

So Allah says: 

Allah, the Self-Subsisting. He begets not, nor is He begotten” and immediately follows it with: “and there is none like unto Him.” We cannot compare Allah with anything in our experience. Likewise, we find that Allah commands us: “Do not give likenesses to Allah.” [Quran 16:74] 

This is the way our faith in Allah should be.

Prophet Muhammad    advised those who were plagued with doubts like “Who created Allah?” to: “Seek Allah’s help and desist from such thoughts.” Nothing can be gained from pursuing the line of thinking as to “Who created Allah?” Allah’s nature cannot be compared to created existence, nor can it be compassed by the limitations of human reason. The human mind, however, can conceive of Allah’s existence and acknowledge that He is the Creator of all things. In fact, the human mind resists any attempt to compel it to deny Allah’s existence.

Communist regimes of the 20th century tried to compel their subjects to embrace atheism. They employed every forceful means at their disposal, but the people refused to deny Allah. They resisted the most authoritarian attempts to crush their belief in Allah’s existence.

The human mind acknowledges the existence of a Creator. Reason cannot escape from such an acknowledgment. The mind, consequently brings us to seek guidance About Allah and gives us a natural inclination to worship Him. We are receptive to Allah’s Messengers, and Allah would not leave His creatures without guiding them to the wisdom as to why they were created. Indeed, Allah says: 

I have only created humanity and the Jinn to worship Me.” [Quran 51:56]

The intellect certainly recognizes Allah, but it is not capable of comprehending all of His attributes. The role of Allah’s Prophets and Messengers is to teach people what they need to know about their Lord and how Allah wishes them to worship Him. This protects people from concocting all sorts of rituals and rites from their own imaginings that have no basis in revelation from Allah.

Prophet Muhammad    said, addressing Allah in supplication: “You are the First, so nothing precedes You. You are the Last, so nothing comes after You. You are the Manifest, so nothing comes above You. You are the Hidden, so nothing comes below you. Fulfill our debts for us and enrich us so we will not be poor.” [Sahīh Muslim (2713)]

Allah is the First who is not preceded by anything else. This is a concept that cannot be fully grasped by the imagination, but it can certainly be accepted by the mind and heart. Our awareness of the limitations that our minds have is a crucial awareness.

Likewise, Allah is the Last, whose existence persists without end. As such, Allah is truly the Inheritor: 

And remember Zechariah, when he cried unto his Lord: ‘My Lord! Leave me not childless, though You are the Best of inheritors.” [Quran 21:89]

Allah is timeless and eternal, without beginning or end. By contrast, all created things have a beginning and end.

Allah says about the Sun: “And the Sun runs its course to a point determined.” [Quran 36:38] The Sun and other celestial bodies are far older than the living things on Earth. But just like the fleeting lives of terrestrial beings, the stars are born and they die. All things in the universe must come to an end.

Allah cannot be understood according to the terms of material existence. He is not bound by the laws of physics which are themselves part of the nature of what He created. It is no surprise that the mind cannot fully grasp the Creator, since the mind is itself created and subject to the limitations of its created nature. The mind can only fall into confusion and self-deception if it tries to rationalize that which is beyond its powers.

Rather, we should apply our mental efforts to matters our minds are capable of engaging with – the universe that Allah created and the vast horizons of knowledge that it presents. Allah has given us the rational ability and the imaginative power to uncover and conceptualize the physical laws of nature. We can harness such knowledge to benefit humanity in ways that please Allah.

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