26 May 2011

Word Play - Muslim vs Non-Muslims

A Skeptic said “What if you are wrong?
I said “What if I am right?

An Atheist said "How is there a Creator?"
I said "How is there a Creation?"

A Christian said “Love God and worship Jesus
I said “Love Jesus and worship God

A Jew said “God will be true to his covenant with us
I said “But have you been true to your covenant with God?

A Buddhist said “The purpose of life is to discover Enlightenment
I said “Enlightenment means to discover the purpose of life

A Polytheist said “I worship many gods that hear and intercede for me with the almighty God
I said “I worship one God that’s almighty enough to hear me without an intercessor

A Secularist said “Wars and killing for religious reasons are bad
I said “Wars and killing for materialistic reasons are evil

An Evolutionist said “The universe created life by itself, without needing God
I said “Did the universe create itself without needing God?

A Democrat said “The majority must rule
I said “But what will rule the majority?

A Nationalist said "The Nation comes first, before God"
I said "God was first, before the Nation"

A Conservative (Republican) said “Why don’t Muslims assimilate into our culture?
I said “Because your culture demands assimilation

A Patriot said “I support my country, right or wrong
I said “A country has no right to be supported in wrong

A Liberal said “What vanity prevents you from adopting Liberal values?
I said “What Liberal value isn’t based on vanity?

A Zionist said “Palestinians impose their demands for justice onto others
I said “Zionists impose their religious demands onto Palestinians

A Neo-Conservative said “I believe we are the superior Civilization
I said “That's what makes you an inferior Civilisation

An American politician said “We resist against those who use terrorism and violence
I said “You use violence to terrorise those who resist

A French Politician said “We have banned wearing the Niqab to free women
I said “You have banned womens’ freedom to wear the Niqab

An Islamophobe said “I hate Islam, and fear for my safety from Muslims
I said “I fear for the safety of Muslims, from those who hate Islam

A Pacifist said “The just way is to be peaceful
I said “To be peaceful to the unjust, is injustice to the peaceful

A Pragmatist said "Always choose the lesser of two evils"
I said "Then your choices will always be evil"

An Ascetic said “Leave worldly affairs, and seek God
I said “Seek God in your worldly affairs

A Conspiracy Theorist said "I believe that 'They' control the World"
I said "That belief controls your world"

A 'Moderate Muslim' said “Ideally, you should embrace compromise
I said “You should embrace an uncompromisable Ideal

by Abdullah Al Andalusi