12 August 2010

Ramadan : Fasting in the Hadith

1.5 billion Muslims of the world celebrate their holiest month of Ramadan every year. It is an obligation on every adult and healthy Muslim to fast during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is a total abstention from eating, drinking, and sexual relations from dawn to dusk for 29 or 30 days of the month of Ramadan. Also, avoiding immoral behavior and anger and showing compassion is part of the requirements of the fasting. The month of Ramadan is also the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in piecemeal basis over a period of 23 years. It is a very joyous occasion for the Muslims of the world. Muslims fast during the day and pray and read Quran during the part of the night.

A few hadith on Fasting

Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 115
Narrated Talha bin ‘Ubaid-Ullah: A bedouin with unkempt hair came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Inform me what Allah has made compulsory for me as regards the prayers.” He replied: “You have to offer perfectly the five compulsory prayers in a day and night (24 hours), unless you want to pray Nawafil.” The bedouin further asked, “Inform me what Allah has made compulsory for me as regards fasting.” He replied, “You have to fast during the whole month of Ramadan, unless you want to fast more as Nawafil.” The bedouin further asked, “Tell me how much Zakat Allah has enjoined on me.” Thus, Allah’s Apostle informed him about all the rules (i.e. fundamentals) of Islam. The bedouin then said, “By Him Who has honored you, I will neither perform any Nawafil nor will I decrease what Allah has enjoined on me. Allah’s Apostle said, “If he is saying the truth, he will succeed (or he will be granted Paradise).”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 118
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Fasting is a shield (or a screen or a shelter). So, the person observing fasting should avoid sexual relation with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, ‘I am fasting.” The Prophet added, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. (Allah says about the fasting person), ‘He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 120
Narrated Sahl: The Prophet said, “There is a gate in Paradise called Ar-Raiyan, and those who observe fasts will enter through it on the Day of Resurrection and none except them will enter through it. It will be said, ‘Where are those who used to observe fasts?’ They will get up, and none except them will enter through it. After their entry the gate will be closed and nobody will enter through it.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 123
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 124
Narrated Ibn Umar: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “When you see the crescent (of the month of Ramadan), start fasting, and when you see the crescent (of the month of Shawwal), stop fasting; and if the sky is overcast (and you can’t see It) then regard the crescent (month) of Ramadan (as of 30 days)”.
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 125
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 126
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet was the most generous amongst the people, and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadan when Gabriel visited him, and Gabriel used to meet him on every night of Ramadan till the end of the month. The Prophet used to recite the Holy Qur’an to Gabriel, and when Gabriel met him, he used to be more generous than a fast wind (which causes rain and welfare).
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 127
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 128
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Allah said, ‘All the deeds of Adam’s sons (people) are for them, except fasting which is for Me, and I will give the reward for it.’ Fasting is a shield or protection from the fire and from committing sins. If one of you is fasting, he should avoid sexual relation with his wife and quarreling, and if somebody should fight or quarrel with him, he should say, ‘I am fasting.’ By Him in Whose Hands my soul is’ The unpleasant smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. There are two pleasures for the fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other at the time when he will meet his Lord; then he will be pleased because of his fasting.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 212
Narrated Abu Sa’id: The Prophet forbade the fasting of ‘Id-ul-Fitr and ‘Id-ul-Adha (two feast days) and also the wearing of As-Samma’ (a single garment covering the whole body), and sitting with one’s leg drawn up while being wrapped in one garment. He also forbade the prayers after the Fajr (morning) and the ‘Asr (afternoon) prayers.
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 32 :: Hadith# 226
Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, “Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 32 :: Hadith# 228
Narrated ‘Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) Allah’s Apostle used to pray (at night) in Ramadan.
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 32 :: Hadith# 231
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan out of sincere Faith (i.e. belief) and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his past sins will be forgiven, and whoever stood for the prayers in the night of Qadr out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven .”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 32 :: Hadith# 233
Narrated Abu Salama: I asked Abu Sa’id, and he was a friend of mine, (about the Night of Qadr) and he said, “We practiced Itikaf (seclusion in the mosque) in the middle third of the month of Ramadan with the Prophet . In the morning of the 20th of Ramadan, the Prophet came and addressed us and said, ‘I was informed of (the date of the Night of Qadr) but I was caused to forget it; so search for it in the odd nights of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan. (In the dream) I saw myself prostrating in mud and water (as a sign). So, whoever was in l’tikaf with me should return to it with me (for another 10-day’s period)’, and we returned. At that time there was no sign of clouds in the sky but suddenly a cloud came and it rained till rain-water started leaking through the roof of the mosque which was made of date-palm leaf stalks. Then the prayer was established and I saw Allah’s Apostle prostrating in mud and water and I saw the traces of mud on his forehead.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 32 :: Hadith# 237
Narrated ‘Aisha: Allah’s Apostle used to practice Itikaf in the last ten nights of Ramadan and used to say, “Look for the Night of Qadr in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan ,”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 32 :: Hadith# 241
Narrated ‘Aisha: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work hard) and used to pray all the night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers.
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 484
Narrated Jarir bin ‘Abdullah, “I gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet for offering prayer perfectly giving Zakat and giving good advice to every Muslim.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 485
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “(On the Day of Resurrection) camels will come to their owner in the best state of health they have ever had (in the world), and if he had not paid their Zakat (in the world) then they would tread him with their feet; and similarly, sheep will come to their owner in the best state of health they have ever had in the world, and if he had not paid their Zakat, then they would tread him with their hooves and would butt him with their horns.”
The Prophet added, “One of their rights is that they should be milked while water is kept in front of them.” The Prophet added, “I do not want anyone of you to come to me on the Day of Resurrection, carrying over his neck a sheep that will be bleating. Such a person will (then) say, ‘O Muhammad! (please intercede for me,) I will say to him. ‘I can’t help you, for I conveyed Allah’s Message to you.’ Similarly, I do not want anyone of you to come to me carrying over his neck a camel that will be grunting. Such a person (then) will say “O Muhammad! (please intercede for me).” I will say to him, “I can’t help you for I conveyed Allah’s message to you.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 486
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever is made wealthy by Allah and does not pay the Zakat of his wealth, then on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be made like a bald-headed poisonous male snake with two black spots over the eyes. The snake will encircle his neck and bite his cheeks and say, ‘I am your wealth, I am your treasure.’ ” Then the Prophet recited the holy verses:– ‘Let not those who withhold . . .’ (to the end of the verse). (Surah Ali Imran’ 3:180)
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 487
Narrated Abu Said: Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) said, “No Zakat is due on property mounting to less than five Uqiyas (of silver), and no Zakat is due on less than five camels, and there is no Zakat on less than five Wasqs.” (A Wasqs equals 60 Sa’s) & (1 Sa=3 K gms App.)
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 490
Narrated Ibn Masud: I heard the Prophet saying, “There is no envy except in two: a person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it in the right way, and a person whom Allah has given wisdom (i.e. religious knowledge) and he gives his decisions accordingly and teaches it to the others.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 492
Narrated Haritha bin Wahab : I heard the Prophet saying, “O people! Give in charity as a time will come upon you when a person will wander about with his object of charity and will not find anybody to accept it, and one (who will be requested to take it) will say, “If you had brought it yesterday, would have taken it, but to-day I am not in need of it.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 493
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “The Hour (Day of Judgment) will not be established till your wealth increases so much so that one will be worried, for no one will accept his Zakat and the person to whom he will give it will reply, ‘I am not in need of it.’ ”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 500
Narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to the Prophet and asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! Which charity is the most superior in reward?” He replied, “The charity which you practice while you are healthy, niggardly and afraid of poverty and wish to become wealthy. Do not delay it to the time of approaching death and then say, ‘Give so much to such and such, and so much to such and such.’ And it has already belonged to such and such (as it is too late).”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 504
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Seven people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His. They are:
(1) a just ruler;
(2) a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, (i.e. worship Allah (Alone) sincerely from his childhood),
(3) a man whose heart is attached to the mosque (who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque);
(4) two persons who love each other only for Allah’s sake and they meet and part in Allah’s cause only;
(5) a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah;
(6) a person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity).
(7) a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 529
Narrated Ibn Abbas : I am a witness that Allah’s Apostle offered the Idd prayer before delivering the sermon and then he thought that the women would not be able to hear him (because of the distance), so he went to them along with Bilal who was spreading his garment. The Prophet advised and ordered them to give in charity. So the women started giving their ornaments (in charity). (The sub-narrator Aiyub pointed towards his ears and neck meaning that they gave ornaments from those places such as ear-rings and necklaces.)
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 534
Narrated Anas: When Abu Bakr; sent me to (collect the Zakat from) Bahrein, he wrote to me the following:–
(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful). These are the orders for compulsory charity (Zakat) which Allah’s Apostle had made obligatory for every Muslim, and which Allah had ordered His Apostle to observe: Whoever amongst the Muslims is asked to pay Zakat accordingly, he should pay it (to the Zakat collector) and whoever is asked more than that (what is specified in this script) he should not pay it; for twenty-four camels or less, sheep are to be paid as Zakat; for every five camels one sheep is to be paid, and if there are between twenty-five to thirty-five camels, one Bint Makhad is to be paid; and if they are between thirty-six to forty-five (camels), one Bint Labun is to be paid; and if they are between forty-six to sixty (camels), one Hiqqa is to be paid; and if the number is between sixty-one to seventy-five (camels), one Jadh’a is to be paid; and if the number is between seventy-six to ninety (camels), two Bint Labuns are to be paid; and if they are from ninety-one to one-hundred-and twenty (camels), two Hiqqas are to be paid; and if they are over one-hundred and-twenty (camels), for every forty (over one-hundred-and-twenty) one Bint Labun is to be paid, and for every fifty camels (over one-hundred-and-twenty) one Hiqqa is to be paid; and who ever has got only four camels, has to pay nothing as Zakat, but if the owner of these four camels wants to give something, he can. If the number of camels increases to five, the owner has to pay one sheep as Zakat. As regards the Zakat for the (flock) of sheep; if they are between forty and one-hundred-and-twenty sheep, one sheep is to be paid; and if they are between one-hundred-and-twenty to two hundred (sheep), two sheep are to be paid; and if they are between two-hundred to three-hundred (sheep), three sheep are to be paid; and for over three-hundred sheep, for every extra hundred sheep, one sheep is to be paid as Zakat. And if somebody has got less than forty sheep, no Zakat is required, but if he wants to give, he can. For silver the Zakat is one-fortieth of the lot (i.e. 2.5%), and if its value is less than two-hundred Dirhams, Zakat is not required, but if the owner wants to pay he can.’
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 541
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri On ‘Idd ul Fitr or ‘Idd ul Adha Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) went out to the Musalla. After finishing the prayer, he delivered the sermon and ordered the people to give alms. He said, “O people! Give alms.” Then he went towards the women and said. “O women! Give alms, for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were you (women).” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for it?” He replied, “O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. O women, some of you can lead a cautious wise man astray.” Then he left. And when he reached his house, Zainab, the wife of Ibn Masud, came and asked permission to enter. It was said, “O Allah’s Apostle! It is Zainab.” He asked, ‘Which Zainab?” The reply was that she was the wife of Ibn Mas’ub. He said, “Yes, allow her to enter.” And she was admitted. Then she said, “O Prophet of Allah! Today you ordered people to give alms and I had an ornament and intended to give it as alms, but Ibn Masud said that he and his children deserved it more than anybody else.” The Prophet replied, “Ibn Masud had spoken the truth. Your husband and your children had more right to it than anybody else.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 24 :: Hadith# 573
Narrated Abu Ma’bad,: (the slave of Ibn Abbas) Allah’s Apostle said to Muadh when he sent him to Yemen, “You will go to the people of the Scripture. So, when you reach there, invite them to testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Apostle. And if they obey you in that, tell them that Allah has enjoined on them five prayers in each day and night. And if they obey you in that tell them that Allah has made it obligatory on them to pay the Zakat which will be taken from the rich among them and given to the poor among them. If they obey you in that, then avoid taking the best of their possessions, and be afraid of the curse of an oppressed person because there is no screen between his invocation and Allah.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 15 :: Hadith# 72
Narrated Aisha: Abu Bakr came to my house while two small Ansari girls were singing beside me the stories of the Ansar concerning the Day of Buath. And they were not singers. Abu Bakr said protestingly, “Musical instruments of Satan in the house of Allah’s Apostle !” It happened on the ‘Idd day and Allah’s Apostle said, “O Abu Bakr! There is an ‘Idd for every nation and this is our ‘Idd.”
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 15 :: Hadith# 73
Narrated Anas bin Malik,: Allah’s Apostle never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of ‘Idd-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Anas also narrated: The Prophet used to eat odd number of dates.
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 15 :: Hadith# 79
Narrated Ibn Abbas: I offered the ‘Idd prayer with Allah’s Apostle, Abu Bakr, Umar and ‘Uthman and all of them offered the prayer before delivering the Khutbah.
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 15 :: Hadith# 102
Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: On the Day of ‘Idd the Prophet used to return (after offering the ‘Idd prayer) through a way different from that by which he went.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2361
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When there comes the month of Ramadan, the gates of mercy are opened, and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2363
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with both of them) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying in connection with Ramadan: Do not fast till you see the new moon, and do not break fast till you see it; but if the weather is cloudy calculate about it.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2399
‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had said: Bilal would pronounce Adhan (at the fag end of the night in order to inform the people about the time of the Sahri). So you eat and drink till you hear the Adhan of Ibn Umm Maktum (which was pronounced at the conclusion of the Sehri and the commencement of the fast).
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2401
Ibn ‘Umar (Allah be pleased with both of them) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had two Mu’adhdhins, Bilal and son of Umm Maktum, the blind. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “Bilal announces Adhan at (the fag end of the) night (i.e. Sahri), so eat and drink till the son of Umm Maktum announces Adhan.” And he (the narrator) said: “And the (difference of time) between their (Adhans) was not more than this that one climbed down (from the minaret) and the other climbed up (to announce Adhan).”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2415
Zaid b. Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) said: We took meal shortly before dawn along with the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). We then stood up for prayer. I said: How much span of time was there between the two (acts, i.e. taking of Sahri and observing of prayer)? He said (a span of reciting) fifty verses.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2417
Sahl b. Sa’d (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The people will continue to prosper as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2419
Abu ‘Atiyya reported: I and Masruq went to ‘A’isha and said to her: Mother of the Believers, there are two persons among the Companions of Muhammad (may peace be upon him) one among whom hastens in breaking the fast and in observing prayer, and the other delays breaking the fast and delays observing prayer. She said: Who among the two hastens in breaking fast and observing prayers? We said, It is ‘Abdullah. i.e. son of Mas’ud. whereupon she said: This is how the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) did. Abu Kuraib added: The second one was Abu Musa.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2457
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported that a person came to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: “Messenger of Allah, I am undone.” He (the Holy Prophet) said: “What has brought about your ruin?” He said: “I have had intercourse with my wife during the month of Ramadan.” Upon this he (the Holy prophet) said: “Can you find a slave to set him free?” He said: “No.” He (the Holy Prophet again) said: “Can you observe fast for two consecutive months?” He said: “No.” He (the Holy Prophet) said: “Can you provide food to sixty poor people?”, He said: “No.” He then sat down and (in the meanwhile) there was brought to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) a basket which contained dates. He (the Holy Prophet) said: “Give these (dates) in charity.” He (the man) said: “Am I to give to one who is poorer than I? There is no family poorer than mine between the two lava plains of Madinah.” The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) laughed so that his molar teeth became visible and said: “Go and give it to your family to eat.”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2461
Humaid b. ‘Abd al-Rahman reported that Abu Huraira had narrated to him that the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanded the person (who) broke the fast in Ramadan to free a slave or observe fasts for two (consecutive) months or feed sixty poor persons.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2465
Abbad b. Abdullah b. Zubair reported that he had heard ‘A’isha, the wife of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him), as saying: A person came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) in the mosque during (the month of) Ramadan and said: “Messenger of Allah, I am burnt I am burnt”, whereupon the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) asked him as to what the matter was. Upon this he said: “I had intercourse with my wife (in a state of fasting)” Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: “Give charity.” Upon this he said: “Apostle of Allah, I swear by God, there is nothing with me (to give in charity) as I do not possess anything.” He (the Holy Prophet) said: “Sit down.” So he sat down and he was in this very state when there came a person urging a donkey with a load of eatables upon it. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “Where is that burnt one who was just here?” Thereupon the person stood up. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “Give this (eatables brought by the man) in charity.” Upon this the person said: “Messenger of Allah, can there be anyone else (more deserving than I)? By Allah. we are hungry, we have nothing with us.” Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) said: “Then eat (these eatables).”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2470
Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) journeyed during the month of Ramadan in a state of fasting till he reached ‘Usfan. He then ordered a cup containing drinking water and he drank that openly so that the people might see it, and broke the fast (and did not resume it) till he reached Makkah. Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) said: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) fasted and broke the fast, so he who wished fasted and he who wished to break it broke it.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2533
Abu Ubaid, the freed slave of Ibn Azhar, reported: I observed Id along with Umar b. al-Khattab (Allah be pleased with him). He came (out in an open space) and prayed and (after) completing it addressed the people and said: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) has forbidden the observing of fast on these two days. One is the day of Fitr (Idd-ul-Fitr, at the end of your fasts), and the second one, the day when you eat (Idd-ul-Adha, the meat) of your sacrifices.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2538
‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) said that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) forbade to observe fast on two days-the day of Fitr and the day of Adha.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2553
‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: If anyone dies in a state (that he had to complete) some fasts, his heir must fast on his behalf.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2554
Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be pleased with both of them) reported: A woman came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: “My mother has died, and fasts of a month are due from her.” Thereupon he said: “Don’t you see that if debt was due from her, would you not pay it?” She said: “Yes (I would pay on her behalf).” Thereupon he said: “The debt of Allah deserves its payment more than (the payment of anyone else).”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2558
Abdullah b. Buraida (Allah be pleased with him) reported on the authority of his father: When we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), a woman came to him and said: I had gifted to my mother a maid-servant, and now she (the mother) has died. Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: There is a definite reward for you and she (the maid-servant) has been returned to you as an inheritance. She (that woman) again said: Fasts of a month (of Ramadan) are due upon her; should I observe them on her behalf? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Observe fasts on her behalf. She (again) said: She did not perform Hajj, should I perform it on her behalf? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Perform Hajj on her behalf.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2563
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported: When any one of you gets up in the morning in the state of fasting, he should neither use obscene language nor do any act of ignorance. And if anyone slanders him or quarrels with him, he should say:” I am fasting, I am fasting.”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2564
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Allah, the Majestic and the Exalted, said: Every act of the son of Adam is for him except fasting. It is done for My sake, and I will give a reward for it. By Allah in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, the breath of the observer of fast is sweeter to Allah than the fragrance of musk.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2565
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “Fasting is a shield.”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2566
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Allah the Exalted and Majestic said: Every act of the son of Adam is for him, except fasting. It is (exclusively) meant for Me and I (alone) will reward it. Fasting is a shield. When any one of you is fasting on a day, he should neither indulge in obscene language, nor raise the voice; or if anyone reviles him or tries to quarrel with him he should say: I am a person fasting. By Him, in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, the breath of the observer of fast is sweeter to Allah on the Day of judgment than the fragrance of musk. The one who fasts has two (occasions) of joy, one when he breaks the fast he is glad with the breaking of (the fast) and one when he meets his Lord he is glad with his fast.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2567
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Every (good) deed of the son of Adam would be multiplied, a good deed receiving a tenfold to seven hundredfold reward. Allah, the Exalted and Majestic, has said: With the exception of fasting, for it is done for Me and I will give a reward for it, for one abandons his passion and food for My sake. There are two occasions of joy for one who fasts, joy when he breaks it, and joy when he meets his Lord, and the breath (of an observer of fast) is sweeter to Allah than the fragrance of musk.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2569
Sahl b. Sa’d (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: In Paradise there is a gate which is called Rayyan through which only the observers of fast would enter on the Day on Resurrection. None else would enter along with them. It would be proclaimed: Where are the observers of fast that they should be admitted into it? -and when the last of them would enter, it would be closed and no one would enter it.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2570
Abu Sa’id al Khudri (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Every servant of Allah who observes fast for a day in the way of Allah, Allah would remove, because of this day, his face farther from the Fire (of Hell) to the extent of seventy years’ distance.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2575
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: If anyone forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks he should complete his fast, for it is only Allah Who has fed him and given him drink.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2580
‘A’isha, the Mother of the Believers (Allah be pleased with her), reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to observe fasts (so continuously) that we said that he would not break, and did not observe (them) till we said that he would not fast: and I did not see the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) completing the fast of a month, but that of Ramadan, and I did not see him fasting more in any other month than that of Sha’baan.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2587
‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr b. al-’As reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was informed that he could stand up for (prayer) throughout the night and observe fast every day so long as he lived. Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Is it you who said this? I said to him: Messenger of Allah. it is I who said that. Thereupon the Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him) said: You are not capable enough to do so. Observe fast and break it; sleep and stand for prayer, and observe fast for three days during the month; for every good is multiplied ten times and this is like fasting for ever. I said: Messenger of Allah. I am capable of doing more than this. Thereupon he said: Fast one day and do not fast for the next two days. I said: Messenger of Allah, I have the strength to do more than that. The Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him), said: Fast one day and break on the other day. That is known as the fasting of David (peace be upon him) and that is the best fasting. I said: I am capable of doing more than this. Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: There is nothing better than this. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr (Allah be pleased with them) said: Had I accepted the three days (fasting during every month) as the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had said, it would have been more dear to me than my family and my property.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2588
Yahya reported: I and ‘Abdullah b. Yazid set out till we came to Abu Salama. We sent a messenger to him (in his house in order to inform him about our arrival) and he came to us. There was a mosque near the door of his house, and we were in that mosque, till he came out to us. He said: If you like you may enter (the house) and, if you like, you may sit here (in the mosque). We said: We would rather sit here and (you) relate to us. He (Yahya) then narrated that ‘Abdullah b Amr b. al-’As (Allah be pleased with them) told him: I used to observe fast uninterruptedly and recited the (whole of the) Quran every night. It (the uninterrupted fasting and recital of the Qur’in every night) was mentioned to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) or he sent for me, and I went to him and he said to me: I have been informed that you fast continuously and recite (the whole of the Quran) every night. I said: Apostle of Allah, it is right, but I covet thereby nothing but good, whereupon he said: It suffices for you that you should observe fast for three days during every mouth. I said: Apostle of Allah, I am capable of doing more than this. He said: Your wife has a right upon you, your visitor has a right upon you, your body has a right upon you; so observe the fast of David, the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him), for he was the best worshiper of Allah. I said: Apostle of Allah, what is the fast of David? He said: He used to fast one day and did not fast the other day. He (also) said: Recite the Quran during every month. I said: Apostle of Allah, I am capable of doing more than this, whereupon he said: Recite it in twenty days; recite it in ten days. I said: I am capable of doing more than this, whereupon he said: Recite it every week, and do not exceed beyond this, for your wife has a right upon you, your visitor has a right upon you, your body has a right upon you. He (‘Amr b. ‘As) said: I was hard to myself and thus I was put to hardship. The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) had told me: ‘You do not know you may live long (thus and bear the hardships for a long time), and I accepted that which the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) had told me. When I grew old I wished I had availed myself of the concession (granted by) the Apostle of Allah (may-peace be upon him). This hadith has been narrated by Yahya b. Abu Kathir with the same chain of transmitters and he made this addition after these words: During every month, (fasting) for three days, there is for you ten times for every good and that is perpetual fasting (for three days would bring a reward for full thirty days). I said: What is the fast of the Apostle of Allah, David? He said: Half of the age (observing fast on alternate days for the whole life). And in the hadith no mention has been made of the recital of the Quran, and he did not say: Your visitor has a right upon you, but (instead) he said: Your son has a right upon you.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2618
Ibn ‘Umar (Allah be pleased with them) reported Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Seek Lailat-ul-Qadr in the last week (of Ramadan).
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2619
Salim reported on the authority of his father that a person saw Lailat-ul- Qadr on the 27th (of Ramadan). Thereupon Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: I see that your dreams agree regarding the last ten (nights of Ramadan). So seek it on an odd number (of these ten nights).
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2624
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I was shown Lailat-ul-Qadr; then some members of my family awoke me up, then I was caused to forget it. So seek it in the last week. Harmala said: (The Holy Prophet did not say:” I was made to forget,” but he stated):” But I forgot it.”
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2625
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) spent in devotion (in i’tikaf) the middle ten nights of the month of Ramadan, and when twenty nights were over and it was the twenty-first night, he went back to his residence and those who were along with him also returned (to their respective residences). He spent one month in devotion. Then he addressed the people on the night he came back (to his residence) and commanded them as Allah desired (him to command) and then said: I used to devote myself (observe i’tikaf) during these ten (nights). Then I started devoting myself in the last ten (nights). And he who desires to observe i’tikaf along with me should spend the night) at his place of i’tikaf. And I saw this night (Lailat-ul-Qadr) but I forgot it (the exact night) ; so seek it;In the last ten nights on odd numbers. I saw (the glimpses of that dream) that I was prostrating in water and mud. Abu Sa’id al-Khudri said: It rained on the twenty-first night and the water dripped (from the roof) of the mosque at the place where the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) observed prayer. I looked at him and as he completed the dawn prayer, (I found) his face was wet with mud and water.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2628
Abu Salama reported: ‘We discussed amongst ourselves Lailat-ul-Qadr. I came to Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (Allah be pleased with him) who was a friend of mine and said to him: Would you not go with us to the garden of date trees? He went out with a cloak over him. I said to him: Did you hear the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) making mention of Lailat-ul-Qadr? He said: Yes, (and added) we were observing i’tikaf with the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) in the middle ten days of Ramadan, and came out on the morning of the twentieth and the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) addressed us and said: I was shown Lailat-ul-Qadr, but I forgot (the exact night) or I was caused to forget it, so seek it in the last ten odd (nights), and I was shown that I was prostrating in water and clay. So he who wanted to observe i’tikaf with the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) should return (to the place of i’tikaf). He (Abu Sa’id al-Khudri) said: And we returned and did not find any patch of cloud in the sky. Then the cloud gathered and there was (so heavy) a downpour that the roof of the mosque which was made of the branches of date-palms began to drip. Then there was prayer and I saw the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) prostrating in water and clay till I saw the traces of clay on his forehead.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 6 :: Hadith# 2633
Zirr b. Habaish reported: I had asked Ubayy b. Ka’b (Allah be pleased with him): Your brother (in faith) Ibn Mas’ud says: He who stands (for the night prayer) throughout the year would find Lailat-ul-Qadr, whereupon he said: May Allah have mercy upon him; (he said these words) with the intention that people might not rely only (on one night), whereas he knew that it (Lailat-ul-Qadr) is in the month of Ramadan and it is the twenty-seventh night. He then took oath (without making any exception, i. e. without saying InshaAllah) that it was the twenty-seventh night. I said to him: Abu Mundhir, on what ground do you say that? Thereupon he said: By the indication or by the sign which the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) gave us, and that is that on that day (the sun) would rise without having any ray in it.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2137
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Sadaqah (zakat) is payable on less than five wasqs of (dates or grains), on less than five camel-heads, and on less than five uqiyas (of silver).
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2148
Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent Umar for (collecting) Sadaqa (zakat), and it was said that Ibn Jamil, Khalid b. Walid and ‘Abbas the uncle of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), refused (to pay it). Upon this the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Ibn Jamil is taking revenge but for this that he was destitute and Allah made him rich. As regards Khalid, you are unjust to Khalid, for be reserved his armours and weapons for the sake of Allah, and as for ‘Abbas, I shall be responsible for it and an equal amount along with it. And he again said: ‘Umar, bear this in mind, the uncle of a person is like his father.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2149
Ibn Umar said that Allah’s Messenger (way peace be upon him) prescribed the payment of Zakat-ul-Fitr (on breaking the fast) of Ramadan for people, for every freeman, or slave, male and female among the Muslims-one sa’ of dried dates, or one sa’ of barley.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2159
Ibn ‘Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered that the Sadaqat-ul-Fitr should be paid before the people go out for prayer.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2161
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: If any owner of gold or silver does not pay what is due on him, when the Day of Resurrection would come, plates of fire would be beaten out for him; these would then be heated in the fire of Hell and his sides, his forehead and his back would be cauterized with them. Whenever these cool down, (the process is) repeated during a day the extent of which would be fifty thousand years, until judgment is pronounced among servants, and he sees whether his path is to take him to Paradise or to Hell. It was said: Messenger of Allah, what about the camel? He (the Holy Prophet) said: If any owner of the camel does not pay what is due on him, and of his due in that (camel) is (also) to milk it on the day when it comes down to water. When the Day of Resurrection comes a soft sandy plain would be set for him, as extensive as possible, (he will find) that not a single young one is missing, and they will trample him with their hoofs and bite him with their mouths. As often as the first of them passes him, the last of them would be made to return during a day the extent of which would be fifty thousand years, until judgment is pronounced among servants and he sees whether his path is to take him to Paradise or to Hell. It was (again) said: Messenger of Allah, what about cows (cattle) and sheep? He said: It any owner of the cattle and sheep does not pay what is due on them, when the Day of Resurrection comes a soft sandy plain would be spread for them, he will find none of them missing, with twisted horns, without horns or with a broken horn, and they will gore him with their horns and trample him with their hoofs. As often as the first of them passes him the last of them would be made to return to him during a day the extent of which would be fifty thousand years, until judgment would be pronounced among the servants. And he would be shown his path-path leading him to Paradise or to Hell. It was said: Messenger of Allah, what about the horse? Upon this he said: The horses are of three types. To one than (these are) a burden, and to another man (these are) a covering, and still to another man (these are) a source of reward. The one for whom these are a burden is the person who rears them in order to show off, for vainglory and for opposing the Muslims; so they are a burden for him. The one for whom these are a covering is the person who rears them for the sake of Allah but does not forget the right of Allah concerning their backs and their necks, and so they are a covering for him. As for those which bring reward (these refer to) the person who rears them for the sake of Allah to be used for Muslims and he puts them in meadow and field. And whatever thing do these eat from that meadow and field would be recorded on his behalf as good deeds, as would also the amount of their dung and urine. And these would not break their halter and prance a course or two without having got recorded the amount of their hoof marks and their dung as a good deed on his behalf (on behalf of their owner). And their master does not bring them past a river from which they drink, though he did not intend to quench their thirst, but Allah would record for him the amount of what they drink on his behalf as deeds. It was said: Messenger of Allah, what about the asses?, Upon this he said: Nothing has been revealed to me in regard to the asses (in particular) except this one verse of a comprehensive nature:” He who does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it” (Surah Al Zalzalah 99:7)
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2168
Jabir b. ‘Abdullah reported: There came people from among the Bedouins to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: Collectors of Sadaqa come to us and treat us unjustly. Upon this the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Please your collectors. Jarir said: Ever since I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) no collector had departed but was pleased with me.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2170
Abu Dharr reported: I went to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and he was sitting under the shade of the Kaaba. As he saw me he said: By the Lord of the Kaaba, they are the losers. I came there till I sat and I could not stay (longer) and (then) stood up. I said: Messenger of Allah, let my father, be ransom for you, who are they (the losers)? He said: They are those having a huge amount of wealth except so and so and (those who spend their wealth generously on them whom they find in front of them, behind them and on their right side and on their left side) and they are a few. And no owner of camels, or cattle or goat and sheep, who does not pay Zakat (would be spared punishment) but these (camels, cattle, goats and sheep) would come on the Day of Resurrection wearing more flesh and would gore him with their horns and trample them with their hooves. And when the last one would pass away, the first one would return (to trample him) till judgment would be pronounced among people.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2175
Abu Dharr reported: I went out one night (and found) the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) walking all alone. There was no man with him. I thought that he did not like anyone walking along with him. So I began to walk in the light of the moon. He, however turned his attention to me and saw me and said: Who is this? I said: It is Abu Dharr. Let Allah make me as ransom for you. He said: Abu Dharr, come on. He (Abu Dharr) said: So I walked along with him for some time and he said: The wealthy persons would have little (reward) on the Day of Resurrection, except upon whom Allah conferred goodness (wealth). He dispensed it to his right, left, in front of him and at his back (just as the wind diffuses fragrance) and did good with it (riches). I went along with him for some time when He said: Sit here. And he made me sit at a safe place and there were stones around it, and he said to me: Sit here till I come to you. He went away on the stony ground till I could not see him. He stayed away from me, and he prolonged his stay. Then I heard him as he came back and he was saying: Even if he committed theft and even if he committed fornication. When he came I could not help asking him: Apostle of Allah, let Allah make me ransom for you, whom were you speaking on the stony ground? I heard nobody responding to you. He (the Holy Prophet) said: It was Gabriel who met me by the side of the stony ground and said: Give glad tidings to your Ummah that he who died without associating ought with Allah would go into Paradise. I said: Gabriel, even if he committed theft and fornication? He said: Yes. I said: Even it he committed theft and fornication? He said: Yes, I again said: Even if he committed theft and fornication? He said: Yes, even if he drank wine.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2180
Thauban reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The most excellent dinar is one that a person spends on his family, and the dinar which he spends on his animal in Allah’s path, and the dinar he spends on his companions in Allah’s path. Abu Qilaba (one of the narrators) said: He (the narrator) started with family, and then Abu Qilaba said: Who is the person with greater reward than a person who spends on young members of his family (and thus) preserves (saves them from want) (and by virtue of which) Allah brings profit for them and makes them rich.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2198
Abu Dharr reported: some of the people from among the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to him: Messenger of Allah, the rich have taken away (all the) reward. They observe prayer as we do; they keep the fasts as we keep, and they give Sadaqah out of their surplus riches. Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) said: Has Allah not prescribed for you (a course) by following which you can (also) do sadaqa? In every declaration of the glorification of Allah (i. e. saying Subhan Allah) there is a Sadaqa, and every Takbir (i.e. saying Allah-O-Akbar) is a sadaqah, and every praise of His (saying alhumdolillah) is a Sadaqah and every declaration that He is One (La illha ill-Allah) is a sadaqah, and enjoining of good is a sadaqa, and forbidding of that which is evil is a Sadaqah, and in man’s sexual Intercourse (with his wife, ) there is a Sadaqah. They (the Companions) said: Messenger of Allah, is there reward for him who satisfies his sexual passion among us? He said: Tell me, if he were to devote it to something forbidden, would it not be a sin on his part? Similarly, if he were to devote it to something lawful, he should have a reward.
Sahih Muslim :: Book# 5 :: Hadith# 2208
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia becomes meadows and rivers.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 13 :: Hadith# 2306
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: Ibn Abbas explained the following Quranic verse: “O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you.” During the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him), when the people offered night prayer, they were asked to abstain from food and drink and (intercourse with) women, they kept fast till the next night. A man betrayed himself and had intercourse with his wife after he had offered the night prayer, and he did not break his fast. So Allah, the Exalted, intended to make it (fasting) easy for those who survived, thus providing a concession and utility. Allah, the Glorified, said: “Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves.” By this Allah benefited the people and provided concession and ease to them.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 13 :: Hadith# 2320
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Do not fast one day or two days just before Ramadan except in the case of a man who has been in the habit or observing a fast (on that day); and do not fast until you sight it (the moon). Then fast until you sight it. If a cloud appears on that day (i.e. 29th of Ramadan) then complete the number thirty (days) and then end the fasting: a month consists of twenty-nine days.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 13 :: Hadith# 2402
Narrated Anas ibn Malik: A man from Banu Abdullah ibn Ka’b brethren of Banu Qushayr (not Anas ibn Malik, the well-known Companion), said: A contingent from the cavalry of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) raided us. I reached (for he said went) to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) who was taking his meals. He said: Sit down, and take some from this meal of ours. I said: I am fasting, he said: Sit down, I shall tell you about prayer and fasting. Allah has remitted half the prayer to a traveler, and fasting to the traveler, the woman who is suckling an infant and the woman who is pregnant, I swear by Allah, he mentioned both (i.e. suckling and pregnant women) or one of them. I was grieved for not taking the food of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him).
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 13 :: Hadith# 2467
Narrated A’isha, Ummul Mu’minin: The sunnah for one who is observing i’tikaf (in a mosque) is not to visit a patient, or to attend a funeral, or touch or embrace one’s wife, or go out for anything but necessary purposes. There is no i’tikaf without fasting, and there is no i’tikaf except in a congregational mosque.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 13 :: Hadith# 2468
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) took a vow in the pre-Islamic days to spend a night or a day in devotion near the Kaaba (in the sacred mosque). He asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about it. He said: Observe i’tikaf (i.e. spend a night or a day near the Ka’bah) and fast.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1554
Narrated AbuSa’id al-Khudri: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There is no zakat payable (on grain or dates) on less than five camel-loads. The wasq (one camel-load) measures sixty sa’ in weight.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1558
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As: A woman came to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) and she was accompanied by her daughter who wore two heavy gold bangles in her hands. He said to her: Do you pay zakat on them? She said: No. He then said: Are you pleased that Allah may put two bangles of fire on your hands? Thereupon she took them off and placed them before the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying: They are for Allah and His Apostle.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1563
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) wrote a letter about sadaqah (zakat) but he died before he could send it to his governors. He had kept it with his sword. So Abu Bakr acted upon it till he died, and then Umar acted upon it till he died. It contained: “For five camels one goat is to be given; for ten camels two goats are to be given; for fifteen camels three goats are to be given; for twenty camels four goats are to be given; for twenty-five to thirty-five camels a she-camel in her second year is to be given. If the number exceeds by one up to seventy camels, a she-camel in her fourth year is to be given; if they exceed by one up to seventy-five camels, a she-camel in her fifth year is to be given; if they exceed by one up to ninety camels, two she-camels in their third year are to be given; if they exceed by one up to one hundred and twenty, two she-camels in their fourth year are to be given. If the camels are more than this, a she-camel in her fourth year is to be given for every fifty camels, and a she-camel in her third year is to be given for every forty camels. For forty to one hundred and twenty goats one goat is to be given; if they exceed by one up to two hundred, two goats are to be given. If they exceed by one up to three hundred, three goats are to be given; if the goats are more than this, one goat for every hundred goats is to be given. Nothing is payable until they reach one hundred. Those which are in one flock are not to be separated, and those which are in separate flocks are not be brought together from fear of sadaqah (zakat). Regarding that which belongs to two partners, they can make claims for restitution from each other with equity. An old goat and a defective one are not to be accepted as sadaqah (zakat).” Az-Zuhri said: When the collector comes, the goats will be apportioned into three flocks: one containing bad, the second good, and the third moderate. The collector will take zakat from the moderate. Az-Zuhri did not mention the cows (to be apportioned in three flocks).
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1567
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: Al-Harith al-A’war reported from Ali. Zuhayr said: I think, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Pay a fortieth. A dirham is payable on every forty, but you are not liable for payment until you have accumulated two hundred dirhams. When you have two hundred dirhams, five dirhams are payable, and that proportion is applicable to larger amounts. “Regarding sheep, for every forty sheep up to one hundred and twenty, one sheep is due. But if you possess only thirty-nine, nothing is payable on them.” He further narrated the tradition about the sadaqah (zakat) on sheep like that of az-Zuhri. “Regarding cattle, a yearling bull calf is payable for every thirty, and a cow in her third year for forty, and nothing is payable on working animals. Regarding (the zakat on) camels, he mentioned the rates that az-Zuhri mentioned in his tradition. He said: “For twenty-five camels, five sheep are to be paid. If they exceed by one, a she-camel in her second year is to be given. If there is no she-camel in her second year, a male camel in its third year is to be given, up to thirty-five. If they exceed by one a she-camel in her third year is to be given, up to forty-five. If they exceed by one, a she-camel in her fourth year which is ready to be covered by a bull-camel is to be given.” He then transmitted the rest of the tradition like that of az-Zuhri. He continued: If they exceed by one, i.e. they are ninety-one to hundred and twenty, two she-camels in their fourth year, which are ready to be covered by a bull-camel, are to be given. If there are more camels than that, a she-camel in her fourth year is to be given for every fifty. Those which are in one flock are not to be separated, and those which are separate are not to be brought together. An old sheep, one with a defect in the eye, or a billy goat is not to be accepted as a sadaqah unless the collector is willing. As regards agricultural produce, a tenth is payable on that which is watered by rivers or rain, and a twentieth on that which is watered by draught camels.” The version of Asim and al-Harith says: “Sadaqah (zakat) is payable every year.” Zuhayr said: I think he said “Once a year”. The version of Asim has the words: “If a she-camel in her second year is not available among the camels, nor is there a bull-camel in its third year, ten dirhams or two goats are to be given.”
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1568
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “When you possess two hundred dirhams and one year passes on them, five dirhams are payable. Nothing is incumbent on you, that is, on gold, till it reaches twenty dinars. When you possess twenty dinars and one year passes on them, half a dinar is payable. Whatever exceeds, that will be reckoned properly.” (The narrator said: I do not remember whether the words “that will be reckoned properly” were uttered by All himself or he attributed them to the Prophet (peace be upon him). No zakat is payable on property till a year passes on it. But Jarir said: Ibn Wahb (sub-narrator) added to this tradition from the Prophet (peace be upon him): “No zakat is payable on property until a year passes away on it.”
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1570
Narrated Mu’awiyah ibn Haydah: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: For forty pasturing camels, one she-camel in her third year is to be given. The camels are not to be separated from reckoning. He who pays zakat with the intention of getting reward will be rewarded. If anyone evades zakat, we shall take half the property from him as a due from the dues of our Lord, the Exalted. There is no share in it (zakat) of the descendants of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1576
Narrated Sa’r ibn Disam: Muslim ibn Shu’bah said: Nafi’ ibn Alqamah appointed my father as charged ’affaires of his tribe, and commanded him to collect sadaqah (zakat) from them. My father sent me to a group of them; so I came to an aged man called Sa’r ibn Disam I said: My father has sent me to you to collect zakat from you. He asked: What kind of animals will you take, my nephew? I replied: We shall select the sheep and examine their udders. He said: My nephew, I shall narrate a tradition to you. I lived on one of these steppes during the time of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) along with my sheep. Two people riding a camel came to me. They said to me: We are messengers of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him), sent to you so that you may pay the sadaqah (zakat) on your sheep. I asked: What is due from me for them? They said: One goat. I went to a goat which I knew was full of milk and fat, and I brought it to them. They said: This is a pregnant goat. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) prohibited us to accept a pregnant goat. I asked: What will you take then? They said: A goat in its second year or a goat in its third year. I then went to a goat which had not given birth to any kid, but it was going to do so. I brought it to them. They said: Give it to us. They took it on the camel and went away.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1587
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There is to be no collecting of sadaqah (zakat) from a distance, nor must people who own property remove it far away, and their sadaqahs are to be received in their dwelling.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1605
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) prescribed the sadaqah (alms) relating to the breaking of the fast as a purification of the fasting from empty and obscene talk and as food for the poor. If anyone pays it before the prayer (of ‘Id), it will be accepted as zakat. If anyone pays it after the prayer, that will be a sadaqah like other sadaqahs (alms).
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1610
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The people during the lifetime of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) used to bring forth the sadaqah at the end of Ramadan when closing the fast one sa’ of barley whose straw is removed, or of raisins. Abdullah said: When Umar (Allah be pleased with him) succeeded, and the wheat became abundant, Umar prescribed half a sa’ of wheat instead of all these things.
Sunan Abu Dawud :: Book# 9 :: Hadith# 1631
Narrated Ata ibn Yasar: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Sadaqah may not be given to rich man, with the exception of five classes: One who fights in Allah’s path, or who collects it, or a debtor, or a man who buys it with his money, or a man who has a poor neighbour who has been given sadaqah and gives a present to the rich man.